Morris Journalism Academy

Learn from the pulse of the industry

Start a career or indulge a hobby in freelance journalism

The Morris Journalism Academy is a division of Australian News And Features Service. Our directors and principals have been involved in all aspects of media work for some 30 years.

We are part of an international media-training organisation – the International News Syndicate, with students in more than 80 countries and territories.

The principles of freelance journalism are similar the world over. However our course has been individually revised and designed to suit the needs of students living and working in Australia and New Zealand.

Your Diploma of Freelance Journalism and your International News Syndicate Media Pass are posted to you when you successfully complete your course.

Learn more about our journalism courses

To find out more about about our freelance journalism course, visit our website here.

The Morris Journalism Academy also offers a specialised travel writing course. To learn more about this course, click here.